Simple, elegant, and native
Mastodon client for Mac.
Multi-Account Support
Use several accounts simultaneously
Keyboard Navigation
Swiftly browse through your timelines
Column-Based Layout
Quickly see all that's happening
Content and Media Warnings
So you don’t see what you don’t want to see
Animated Emoji
Mastodon is not the same without them
With hundreds of communities that cater to the most varied set of subjects, Mastodon is a true internet community: No central hosts, no corporate-owned environments, and no ads.
There are no central authorities in Mastodon. The entire network is based on individual and community-owned servers — or instances — that communicate with each other in a transparent manner.
Mastonaut is an easy-to-use and beautiful window into this world. Browse, follow, interact, and contribute to this amazing community from the comfort of your Mac.
As a lovingly-crafted app from a Mastodon user to other Mastodon users, Mastonaut is made to integrate with macOS in the finest aspects. Some features include:
Mastonaut's status composer
Mastonaut has a column-based layout
Preview status attachments in grand style